21.1 C

Forever Braulistas

After so many years striving and striving to get a degree, we can say that we are finally seeing the results of our efforts, our school Braulio González has become that Ally and that place where we can share, laugh and enjoy with the rest. With all certainty we can say that it has become our second home, a home in which we have found wonderful people to live with. In this place we have met people who have left a mark on our hearts and friends who will live forever.Here we laugh, we cry but above all we love, we love all those friends who became accomplices and those teachers who were always helping us. Thanks to our family for their support, but above all thanks to our school for allowing us to live the best stories of our youth, stories that we will surely tell our children. We can proudly say that we graduated from the best school in the world and that we are proudly braulistas.

Thanks to the institution but above all thanks to all those people who despite being difficult children to work for were always fighting for the future of each one of us. Today and always we can stand up with honor and say that we were a promotion that in difficult times, we knew how to fight and fulfill each of our goals to have a large cardboard that will be the proof of all those valuable and hard moments in our lives.

Thanks to this loved temple of knowledge.

Written by: Maryoris Daniela Imbreth Suárez 11th E

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